Say hello to being in control
of your ADHD brain

4 weeks from now, you’ll be flipping your self-sabotaging thoughts into intentional actions that align with your most audacious goals. 

Learning to manage time with ADHD is not as complicated as people make it out to be. It’s simple.

Time is emotional.

And when you finally acknowledge that every decision you make is rooted in what you think and how you feel, then you can finally break the self-sabotaging pattern of procrastination and self-doubt.

How you treat yourself on a bad day with ADHD will determine how many good days you have with ADHD.


What do your thoughts sound like? 

Do you shame or judge yourself when you have trouble getting started on a task (making it even harder for you to get started)?

Or do you know exactly what supports you need to put in place in order to actually get the thing done?

I wasted years thinking self-sabotaging thoughts and keeping myself small until I learned a *literal formula* to change my thoughts and actions as an ambitious ADHDer with a million amazing ideas. And now I'm gonna spill everything and teach you how to do it, too. So that your amazing ideas can become a reality. 😉

Do you tell yourself "My life would be so much easier if I didn't have ADHD?" When in fact all you're doing is resisting reality and making life even harder?

Or do you lean in to your divergent brain and look at the data, not the drama of ADHD. (And save yourself hours and hours of uncertainty and unnecessary over-thinking.)

If you want to change your actions, you have to start by changing your thoughts.

You can’t reject yourself to acceptance.

You can’t hate yourself to wholeness.

You can’t control your way to flexibility.

Thought Work Simplified will give you a framework for not only better time management, but more self-compassion, more acceptance, more flexibility, more wholeness.

It’s the same framework that I used to build a six-figure business.

That my client used to scale her online therapy practice.

That another client used to pitch and deliver a TEDx talk.

That another client used to rewire decades of negative self talk so that she can excel in her masters program.

It's all possible for you, too, inside Thought Work Simplified: How to Coach Your Own Damn Self to Better Time Management With ADHD.

If you want to change your actions, you have to start by changing your thoughts.

What's included


A 75 minute workshop that is NO FLUFF, NO BULLSHIT, and is broken down into ten 3-10 minute chapters so you can take in piece by piece without losing your place or binge all in one sitting.

need-to-know info

A detailed explanation of the STEAR map, plus the exact framework I used to rewire my ADHD brain — my thoughts, emotions, and actions.


Journal/reflection prompts that actually move you to ACTION, rather than just sitting around twiddling your thoughts.

hOLY GRAIL examples

A breakdown of “6 Common ADHD STEAR Maps and Intentional Reflection Questions.” I took examples from my clients and my own personal life to show you a STEAR map in action so you can apply it to your own life. Examples include: "I got fired," "Overwhelmed by my to-do list," "People-pleasing as a business owner," "Clutter and letting go of things that are emotional," "Romantic relationships and rejection," and "My capacity has changed"


An Emotions Atlas (curated from my 3 favorite emotion wheels plus a list of over 430 emotions) which has allowed me to develop more self-awareness, emotional granularity, and emotional regulation.

bonus: live call

BONUS: A LIVE call with me where I will answer questions about STEAR, neuroplasticity, my ADHD journey, and will coach someone from the audience live so you can see how the STEAR map works even if you don’t know what you’re thinking, feeling, or doing.

The investment

Early bird:
$149 for the workshop, printables, and live call with me on May 14.

After May 14:
$199-$249 for the workshop, printables, and recorded call, with option to upgrade to a second live call with me, May 28.

take me there

Here’s feedback from ambitious ADHDers who have already gone through
Thought Work Simplified:

đŸ› ïž “flew through the course in a matter of days”

🧠 short ADHD-friendly chunks

đŸ”„ “lighter fluid for my brain”